24 September 2011

Dozens Arrested As Wall St. Protests Continue

Dozens Arrested As Wall St. Protests Continue

Many people were arrested Saturday as the Occupy Wall St. protest moved north to Union Square, although exact numbers were not yet confirmed by police
Police acknowledged that arrests were made, but would not disclose the exact number.

Witnesses and protesters told USA LOCAL NEWS that at least 50 people were arrested -- so many that the police brought in MTA buses to bring them to the local precinct. Most of the arrests took place on E. 12th and 5th Ave. before the protest continued to Union Square.
There were multiple reports that police officers used excessive force while making arrests, but police refused to comment on the allegations.
The protest began last Saturday as hundreds of people set up camp near the New York Stock Exchange to target financial firms. Among other things, they questioned political connections between Washington lawmakers and giant moneymaking companies, as well as the government bail out of Wall St.
Five people were arrested Monday on disorderly conduct, and for breaking an old law that forbids protesters from wearing masks. 

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