24 September 2011

Human Bones Uncovered at Oceanside Home

A construction project at an Oceanside home on Wednesday uncovered human bones, according to the San Diego Medical Examiner’s office and Oceanside police.

Officers were called to a home in the Capistrano neighborhood after a collection of small bone fragments were found inside compacted dirt, six inches under the ground surface, said Captain Leonard Mata in a media release.

The bones were collected by officers to be tested by the ME, who later determined them to be human, Mata said.

Detectives returned to the scene where the bones were discovered in order to further investigate.

The owner claimed that the concrete steps the bones were under had to be at least three decades old, Mata said.

Though officials said the area did not appear to be a gravesite, they would be looking further into the matter.

Officials planned on working with the ME’s office over the weekend to explore the site for more remains, Mata said.

The age or type of the bone fragments has yet to be been determined.


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