21 September 2011

Endorsements rolling in for Assembly, congressional candidates

Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Koretz likes not one but two of the candidates for a new San Fernando Valley seat in the state Assembly. On Wednesday, he endorsed Democratic businesswoman Laurette Healey for the 46th District not long after giving his backing to attorney Andrew Lachman, another Democrat.  Also running in the June primary is charter schools executive Brian Johnson.

Over on the Westside, in the new 50th Assembly District, Assemblywoman Betsy Butler (D-Marina del Rey) picked up the endorsement of the Peace Officers Research Assn. of California. Joining the race recently was Santa Monica Mayor Richard Bloom, who announced he's set up his campaign website this week at richardbloom.com. Activist Torie Osborn got an early start and has sewn up the backing of many prominent Democrats, including that of her former boss, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

The Los Angeles County Lincoln Clubs, a group of Republican organizations, broke its 32-year-old tradition of not endorsing in primaries and announced its backing of Rep. Ed Royce (R-Fullerton) for the 39th Congressional District and Nathan Mintz of Redondo Beach for the new 66th Assembly District. Royce may face a challenge from fellow Rep. Gary Miller (R-Diamond Bar). 

Mintz ran against Butler last year in a special election in which he carried the southern half of the since redrawn 53rd Assembly District. He's running inthe new 66th Assembly District. Democrats are hoping to field a strong candidate for this seat, which is nearly evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats.

-- Jean Merl



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