21 September 2011

Amber Dubois' mother found remains of nursing student Michelle Le

n remains that have been positively identified as those of missing nursing student Michelle Le were discovered by the mother of murdered Escondido teenager Amber Dubois.

Carrie McGonigle was one of about two dozen people participating in a search organized by the Le family for the missing 26-year-old.

McGonigle said her 1-year-old yellow Labrador, named Amber in memory of her daughter, led her to the remains Saturday near an Alameda County park. McGonigle's 14-year-old daughter was killed in 2009.

Le, 26, was working at a hospital in Hayward, Calif., on May 27 when she went to her car to retrieve something. She was never seen alive again.

Security cameras in the hospital garage revealed that Giselle Esteban, 27, who went to high school with Le in San Diego, was in the garage about the time Le disappeared, Hayward police said. Esteban was arrested this month in connection with Le's disappearance.

Traces of Le's DNA were found on one of Esteban's shoes, and cellphone records show that Esteban's phone and Le's were in the same area after Le disappeared, police said.

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