08 October 2011

Ex-NJ Official Cleared in Corruption Probe

Ex-NJ Official Cleared in Corruption Probe

Two years after being forced from office during a sweeping statewide corruption investigation, a longtime New Jersey official has been cleared in the matter. 

The Star-Ledger reports federal prosecutors have notified Joseph Doria that they will not bring any charges against  him.
Doria, a former state Assembly speaker and longtime mayor of Bayonne, led the state's Community Affairs Department under Gov. Jon Corzine. But he resigned that post in July 2009 at Corzine's request, shortly after FBI agents seized documents from Doria's home and office.
Neither Doria nor the U.S. Attorney's office would comment on the newspaper's report.
But the Star-Ledger said it obtained a letter that prosecutors had sent last month to Doria's attorney, John Azzarello of Chatham, notifying him that the investigation had been closed.

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