22 October 2011

Recall: Spinach and Salad from Salinas

Bagged spinach and salad products from a Salinas company have been recalled after a positive test for salmonella, state health officials said.

A bag of spinach made by Taylor Farms Retail, Inc., tested positive for salmonella in Washington state, the California Department of Public Health said today. No illnesses have been linked to the positive test result.

The affected products were distributed to 15 states including California and have "best by" dates ranging from Oct. 18 through Oct. 20.

Consumers who think they may have purchased the affected items should discard them, and anyone who develops symptoms of infection after consuming salad products should seek immediate medical attention.

Symptoms of salmonella infection can include diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps 12 to 72 hours after infection. The illness usually lasts four to seven days and clears up without treatment, but it can be severe enough to require hospitalization in infants, the elderly and those with impaired immune systems.

Anyone who sees the recalled products being offered for sale can file a report to the CDPH complaint line at (800) 495-3232.

Bay City News Contributed to this report.

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