23 October 2011

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Camp Near Capitol in Albany

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Camp Near Capitol in Albany

Protesters inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement are camping out in a tent city in a park across from the state Capitol.

Police kept watch but allowed protesters to remain overnight Friday and Saturday despite the 11 p.m. park curfew. There were about 30 tents in Academy Park on Sunday, and 23-year-old Chris Scully of Troy told the Albany Times-Union the demonstration would go on "until everything is better."
Raising taxes for millionaires is one item on the demonstrators' wish list, which also includes ending U.S. wars abroad, curbing greed and the influence of Wall Street and guaranteeing rights for
 gay people.
"Occupy" protests have popped up across the country. On Saturday, about 25 people marched in downtown Oswego, with signs calling for campaign finance reform, among other things.

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